Last Christmas I got the idea in my head about starting a little Etsy shop, it started out really small but soon it started to grow.
it grew fast! and the more I thought about it the more fun it seemed. making my crafts for other people to wear? I can think of a bigger honor.
So the work began, collecting supplies and building idea's, it was absolutely wonderful!
To start work on something, build its shape, add detail, it is great every single time.
Today is the day I opened the shop, it is extremely exiting and even a bit scary, but I am very happy it is open.
I do not have one style, there are many things I love, hairsticks for example, such a simple way of wearing your hair, but a hairstick with a pretty bead will alway's look great! and there are so many updo's!
I love to sew of course, so I had to have some sewn items, therefore I made pillowcases and aprons, there are so many things one can do with either of these items!
And then I found a lace collar, I had to buy it without really knowing what to do with it.
But it did not take long and I decided to sew beads onto it, I wrote a blog about it a little while back.
Some of my inspirations are: Victorian era, Quilting, Long hair, Fantasy, Pin up, Lolita, Mori girl.
So, I declare the shop opened!
Come to have a look and let me know what you think!
If you want to help I will be very happy, sharing is the easiest way to go and the more people learning about the shop the better!