Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Work in progress

When I am working on a project I do not like to clean up the items I need for crafting until it is finished.
This means that sometimes we have go go to bed with the house being a mess, and get up with a house being a mess. Since I have started working on the shop this has become an explosive problem.

Explosive because that is what the room looks like, as if a little bomb of crafting items just went off.
Usually you can find me somewhere in the middle of it, with a cold cup of tea and an old sandwich I forgot about. In my old house this was not much of a problem because I had a room for sewing.
In this house it is quite a problem because it is small, there is not much place to put things away, and of course I am not living here on my own but with Dear BoyFriend, who I will be calling DBF from now on.

I can't quite believe how patient DBF is with me, putting up with all my stuff day in and out, sometimes he decides we need to clean up, and then we do. but about 3 hours later it is back to being a mess. I think he is sweet for helping me clean up my crap in the first place.

So, something needs to change, I should start working on one project and then finish it, and not -as I am doing now- 5 projects at the same time. Or maybe I have to stick with two, because in the evening I work on different projects since I do not like to sew in the evening. Oh dear, there you go, as soon as I find a resolution I decide something to make that resolution useless in the first place.

So I should definitively work on getting my stuff organised better, after all this is a tiny house and we will be here for another 3 years. I will dream of having a sewing room for myself one day, but for now I am happy with what we have!

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